Dia Frampton [2012] Red

OMGOMGOMGOMG DIA MADE A SOLO RECORD! As a big fan of Meg & Dia this really peaked my interests and I couldn’t download it fast enough. I had a slight fear that this may be something completely out of Dia’s range or style or maybe even just a bunch of M&D b-sides but I was completely proven wrong. The tracks on Red span from traditional soft spoken acoustic tracks to full orchestral pieces to 80’s style dance beats, all lathered in Dia’s spunky adorable vocals. There are two cameos on this: Kid Cudi and Blake Shelton, Cudi ruins the track but on Shelton’s track the final product is a perfectly shared performance by both Blake and Dia, for neither overpower each other and it just flows with perfect harmony. She also layers her vocals on this, so while it’s not exactly the same as the MegDia duo, it doesn’t sound incomplete or flat like you might expect, it’s all gravy, thick fun gravy.

Complaints? My only real legitimate complaint is the inclusion of Kid Cudi on this record. Having him be on the first track just starts the whole ride off in a shitty mood, but once his part is over it goes back to being a fun journey through teenage romance and tear soaked shoulders. At first I hated Blake Shelton’s cameo but by the time the song ended it all made sense, so kudos to that. The only other thing I can really talk down on is how short the songs and overall album feels, clocking in at a shy over 35 minutes it just feels like I am getting warmed up and then the ride’s over. But that leaves me wanting more, so I am not ruling this out as being completely bad just yet. Point is, MOAR!


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