Frosthammer [2011] Nexus of Time

I downloaded this because the cover appealed to me and I figured that with a clean-ish looking logo that maybe I will avoid another bedroom black metal project…I was wrong. I have never heard of Frosthammer until now, and thankfully this will be my last, here’s why.

Complaints? The recording is absolute shit. The guitars sound like they were recorded off a First Act guitar and amp, the drums are sound fake as shit and the vocals are just retard bad. Sounds of Emilie Autumn’s spazzy fast paced vocal style came to mind while I listened to the vocals on this release and it just doesn’t work. I get they/he/whatever is trying to convey a sense of melody for that symphonic black metal tag but it just comes off as a comedic attempt at sounding like a twat. The attempt at black metal kvlt vocals is just as atrocious, for it sounds like a 13 year old is trying to push out Dimmu Borgir cyborg vocals and again, it fails to reach anything higher than aural comedy. The production, like the rest of the sounds, is muddy and makes the music sound flat and boring. I actually had to check to make sure my headphones weren’t switched to mono when this cd was playing, because it was that fucking flat and unappealing. The best part of the entire album is the synth work, and that is only appealing because the mastering is so fucking muddy that it masks any potential flaws that might be present. It is almost 2012, why is it bands are still releasing stuff that sounds like it was recorded on Audacity? Get with the fucking program if you are going to release music, it’s not complicated to get decent mastering programs and equipment. Don’t get me wrong, it’s a step up from the Xasthur clones out there who make listeners battle walls of static, but this is on the total opposite of the spectrum and is just plain bloody boring and uninteresting. Overall it is a boring release with absolutely nothing memorable being produced. This album will be deleted upon posting of this entry, and my computer couldn’t be happier.


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