Deformed Slut [2011] Stench Of Carnage

Complaints? It’s Slow, boring brutal death metal, with nothing sticking it out from the endless pile of BDM bands in today’s market. There appears to be an attempt at slam death but really it doesn’t have any of the hooks or punch that slam comes with, so it just falls flat on 98% of the record. So if you like your death metal void of quality buildups, crushing crescendos and in your face brutality, this is for you. The slithery quasi-guttural vocals have been done a million times over as well and are nothing at all impressive. The production and recording quality is the best thing on the album, for it allows the bass to clearly be heard, the drums are pretty well recorded and the guitar, while a little low in the mix, fills the air and keeps it from feeling dead. But with all that said the album did absolutely nothing to me.


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