Dead Can Dance [2012] Anastasis

A lengthy review of this album would be absolutely pointless, for I feel it's impossible to describe some acts out there, Dead Can Dance being one of them. So here's a quick rundown of my takes on things.

It's absolutely incredible, for a band that has gone outside the box and back time and time again, once the opening track hits you it instantly clicks as what feels right coming from the duo, as if the last 16 years haven't happened and this is simply the second half of Spiritchaser. However the nearly two decade gap has allowed for new and crisper approaches to music, and Anastasis showcases that growth from start to finish. With clean, damn near perfect orchestral and keyboard synths the duo project project you the listener right into the pit of an old European symphony house that has decayed over the years yet still possesses a few remaining players, with Lisa and Brendan heading the troupe. 

But enough of that, what else!? Well let's see, Lisa still sounds divine, and she showcases her talents yet again across this album. Brendan's voice has aged a little but in the best way possible, his vocal performances now have an even deeper connection to ancient heritage and everything arcane, and like his female counterpart he too showcases a full variety of different singing styles from almost rhythmic storytelling to bombastic lung exhausting singing. So yes, the two still got "it" and "it" continues to work magically.

What of worldly sounds? As with every other album you are taken from across the globe, stopping in the Middle East, the ancient Roman Empire, Asia and all the way back to Ireland, all in one 8 track 57 minute ride, and it could not be any more of a pleasurable delight.

How are the singing duties divided? With the reformation I did not know what to expect, but both sides get equal spotlight time, with respective solo tracks as well as a shared duet track. So whether you're Team Lisa or Team Brendan, you'll be satisfied.

Favorite tracks? If I had to pick three, I would probably go (in order as they appear on record): Agape, Return of the She-King and All In Good Time, which is a perfect blend of solo and duet tracks. 

Closing statements? This thing is just too good, and the denseness of it allows for you to listen to it for goes at a time and still discover something new, I am absolutely in love with this release and consider seeing them perform this album a few weeks ago as one of the best concerts I have attended, well done guys.


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