EYeOvIsIs [2012] Into Thee Eye Of IsIs

Yet another blind download here, but going into it I expected another one man black metal band that sounded awful, but thankfully the name, title and album cover aren't indicative of the audio.

Where to begin, first and foremost, a background lesson: I have looked all over and only found minute traces of information regarding this outfit, and the only thing I can say for certain is it's a solo project from some gentlemen simply called Mr. Monster. Now if you look online you'll see this listed anywhere from industrial to black metal to noise, and as a fan of all three I can say this is not accurate at all. Yes there are some electronic elements in the mix and yes there are some black metal riffs from time to time and yes it's noisy, but not nearly enough to fall into any of these genres accurately. Okay enough bitching, let's get on with things.

As far as a general sound comes, imagine if Atooishinjuu, Genghis Tron, Crotchduster and Aborted all had an orgy after a Meshuggah concert and shit out a child...that's EYeOvIsIs. Musically the project is all over the place in terms of riffs and styles, one track you hear modern day polished death metal, the next you're listening to a Meshuggah-esque repetitive section and then the next track is 20 straight seconds of chaotic pulverizing grindcore, so don't get too comfortable because you'll be thrown from end to end while listening to this. Unfortunately as with most solo projects the drums and mastering aren't ideal, and while the guitars are for the most part well leveled and pitched, the drums are obviously that of a machine, and to be fair they actually fit the weird overall sound of the album, and to be fair again the drums are well programmed and executed: listen to this in a bass friendly setup and you'll love it. As for the mastering, some of the levels are a little funky at times and it comes with the territory of not having some hotshot director behind the glass, but like I said previously: it's not terrible or anything, and is acceptable. There are however a few moments where it tracks seem slapped together and rushed, like certain pieces didn't have connecting sections so they were just spliced together, again nitpicking here, but I definitely picked up on a few of these. Lastly comes the vocals, which I can only describe as someone screaming into one side of a dixie-cup and string telephone underwater, it's almost new age Aborted in style but awkwardly horrifying in an uncomfortable sort of way. The vocals range from straight out yelling to growls to even moaning out the lyrics, and even rapping for a quick second in one of the tracks. Overall they are neat to listen to and sort of fit the whole synthetic vibe the drums give off, almost as if the mic is shorting out and is on it's last fuse of life capturing the singer's audio. Last but not least, it should be mentioned but there are a few samples used on this release, and thankfully they are done right and are quick and to the point, so no worries for those who dread Mortician style sample lengths, they fit the mood and provide an outside eerie feeling between the chaotic playings.

Overall it is a fun, quirky approach to metal, and it leaves you questioning if the entire album is a joke or not, but all I know is that for 21 minutes I enjoyed this release and I would gladly check out any future releases this guy puts out.


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