Raped By Pigs ]2011] Gushing Orgasms 2

Raped By Pigs are a four piece slam / brutal death outfit from Peru, who to my knowledge only have one other ep under their belt from 2009. Much like most slam bands these days Raped By Pigs took every helpful hint from Slam For Dummies and threw together a slow paced, gurgle filled album that has been created countless times before by bigger and better acts. Not to discredit the album, it’s just not something that someone will listen to and hear something fresh and exciting. The album cover however is amazing, in a Cesspool of Vermin kind of way.

But I have to be honest, I am a sucker for bad slam, as long as the production is decent and the vocals aren’t too monotoned I can give your run of the mill slam death band a listen and typically enjoy it, enjoy it in the same way that you enjoy popping a zit, it hurts like hell but for some reason you feel compelled to listen to it…that ladies and gentlement is Gushing Orgasms 2.

Musically and vocally speaking the major slam components are all there: slow paced chug guitar work, brees/gurgles/inhale vocals, and sub-par drumming. But what makes Raped By Pigs kind of fun is how retarded the songs are, and how they seem so slapped together that it’s like witnessing a 25 minute trainwreck that you can’t look away from. Is it terrible? No. It is a fun little diddy to put on when the mood strikes and bang your head to the utterly slow pace and just listen to the array of vocals that come your way.

Production however, something odd happens on this record, and this may be just from a faulty rip but tracks 2 and 3 are actually really well recorded, the vocals are clear and high enough to fill the mix, the guitars for the most part are loud enough to add that signature slam feel and the drums, while a little oddly tuned, fill out the entire ensemble and provide for a decent listen. The rest of the tracks however sound like they were recorded at an earlier time in another location for they are muddy, toned down and do not possess the punch that the aforementioned tracks do. Not to say that they lack in actual writing and playing quality, it just sounds a little like ass being recorded.

Overall it’s a decent album to listen to once or twice, laugh at and delete. It was not nearly as bad as I was expecting but there really is nothing that is special or worth keeping on this album that merits memory storage, so if you get bored and want to waste some time, download Gushing Orgasms 2, if not you won’t miss anything by avoiding it. Personally I will go listen to the new Abominable Putridity.


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